Education for Health and Inclusive Education



Research Structures

Energy, Environment, and Biodiversity

Humanities and Ethics

Culture and Education

Society and Development

Information and Communication Technology

Biology and Health

Research Structures and Researchers


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Including affect to educate better

Interdisciplinary and multi-professional action is one of the traits that characterize the identity of the Research Group on Education for Health and Inclusive Education. Chaired by Professors Claus Dieter Stobäus and Juan José Mouriño Mosquera, the group conducts studies focusing on the reunion of education and health permeated by inclusion and affect.

Since 1990, the group’s researchers have thoroughly investigated various features related to the training of special education teachers and the repercussion of this training on his/ her teaching of and repercussions on students with special educational needs (SEN) learning or highly skilled/gifted children. The researchers further seek to develop didacticpedagogical materials and to promote activities for the relatives of SEN students.

In 2012, the fourth edition of Special Education: Toward Inclusive Education was released. Augmented and revised, this book comprises articles based on diagnoses, interventions, and theoretical reflections that constitute a reference not only for scholars but also for educators and caretakers, particularly the parents and other adults who meet individuals with special needs.

Health Education: a challenge for changing societies is the title of a book originally published in 1982 by Stobäus and Mosquera. Currently undergoing revision, its new edition will include contemporary subjects, articles by students of the PUCRS Graduate Program in Education, and a doctoral candidate who approaches Health Education as a crosssectional subject. Topics such as the education of knowledge, skills, and attitudes/affect in fields such as education on traffic, public health, first aid and interdisciplinary and multiprofessional relationships also are included within the scope of this project.

The group’s studies and reflections consider three modalities of Education: formal, non-formal, and informal. The projects aim to establish diagnoses to intervene in different situations applicable in classrooms and are shared by books and articles.