Class Action Lawsuits



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Discussions to generate learning

The academic milieu is a plural space devoted to an open debate of judicial decisions. This concept is the core of the activity and scientific production of the Research Group on Class Action Lawsuits, which includes professors, undergraduates, and affiliated or non-affiliated master’s and doctoral students within the Graduate Program in Law of PUCRS.

Chaired by Professors José Maria Rosa Tesheiner and Sérgio Gilberto Porto, the group’s members and other participants who are interested in the core subject meet for one hour every week at the university campus to opine, agree, disagree, and mainly increase their knowledge on lawsuits related to the protection of diffuse, stricto sensu, collective, and homogeneous individual rights.

The website, launched in 2009, hosts a journal bearing the group’s name and is regularly updated every three months. Between problems, news on judgments are posted, and many judgments are commented on using video; therefore, the website represents a type of observatory on jurisprudence. The website is edited by Professor Tesheiner and Maurício Matte.

One topic that triggered much discussion was the decision of the Brazilian Superior Court of Justice that established the limitation of class action lawsuits to five years. A novel and widely accessed topic available at the website is the Virtual Classroom on Class Action Lawsuits. The lessons were launched in 2011 and are open-access and updated on a regular basis.

The book Class Action Lawsuits, which includes contributions by 18 authors, was published in 2012 by Editora HS. This book describes a wide panorama of such suits, including their purpose, historical features, principles, collective injunctions, and labor class actions, and other topics.