Format Y: Formation in Mathematics for Generation Y



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Winning over the youth with Mathematics

The Research Group Format Y: Formation in Mathematics for Generation Y was created in 2009 with the main purpose of motivating youths born from the 1990s onwards to be involved more thoroughly with Mathematics based on current topics that would interest them. The structure, chaired by Professor Liara Aparecida dos Santos Leal focuses on education and develops projects in the fields of number theory, mathematical modeling, discrete mathematics, and mathematical education.

Project Math: cool mathematics is a successful initiative launched in 2011. The project includes weekly seminars for university students and professors and other interested members of the public; these seminars address current subjects and relate them to other fields, such as physics, informatics, and architecture. The goal of this project is to respond to the necessities to divulgate and show the variety of applications of Mathematics to the real world. Lecturers from several institutions are invited to debate topics, and this modality of activity alternates with sessions devoted to solve questions included in the Students’ Performance National Exam (Enade). The group intends to release an e-book with the solutions to questions posed by Enade 2005 in collaboration with the students. The project program is posted on the blog, which includes the collaboration with students from the Mathematics Academic Directory and one undergraduate grant holder. Project Math also contributes to Project Graduates, which extends the program to encompass the university alumni.

A portion of the group also participates in mathematical projects conducted at the Laboratory of Learning (Lapren), which is connected to Logos, a facility to provide pedagogical support to students at PUCRS. At Lapren, the professors and grant-holding students develop virtual learning objects for the university students to answer questions and learn in an interactive manner.

Beginning in 2010, Format Y includes the Mathematical Modeling research line, chaired by Professor Maria Salett Bienbengut, from the Master’s Program in Science and Mathematical Education.