Oleochemistry: Processes and Products



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Natural solutions with essential oils

Specializing in the extraction of oils from plant matrices, considered to be inputs with high added value, the Oleochemistry Research Group: Processes and Products operates in an interdisciplinary manner, maintaining activities with programs in pharmacology, chemistry, biology, chemical engineering, and material engineering, among others.

One of the studies by the team coordinated by Professor Eduardo Cassel is related to the test for tannins extracted from the acacia plant for use as an antioxidant of metals, inhibiting corrosion. The research has the support of the Ibero-American Program in Science and Technology for Development (CYTED) in a project in which new functions were proposed for the tannins, in addition to plant tanning of leather.

Another project, in partnership with the national industry in the personal hygiene sector, involves obtaining essential oil for soaps and deodorants with antibacterial action as a substitute for traditionally used synthetic compounds. The researchers obtain the oil, fractionate it, perform the antimicrobial assays required by the National Agency for Sanitary Surveillance, and evaluate the product for industrialization. Commercialization is predicted for 2013.

With the Hoja Santa cultivar (Piper hispidinervum), there are two investigations underway: one for human use and the other for veterinary purposes. The oil from this native plant of the Amazon region (State of Acre) displays antimicrobial action capable of eliminating an amoeba (Acanthamoeba keratitis) that causes eye infections similar to conjunctivitis. The properties of this product also have acaricide action, in particular for largesized animals, such as cattle. Studies in this area are being performed in partnership with the University of the Republic (Uruguay) and the Center for Environmental Sciences (Spain).

There are several instances of inter-institutional cooperation with the group. In Brazil, these include UFRGS, UCS, and Embrapa. Abroad, these include the University of Buenos Aires (Argentina), the University Central de las Villas (Cuba), the University of Antioquia (Colombia), and the University of Valladolid (Spain).