Training of Professors, Licentiates, and Pedagogical Practices



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Collective construction in educational action

The collective construction of knowledge for education, including the participation of BA students, university professionals, and pedagogy professionals from public schools, represents the essence of the Research Group on the Training of Professors, Licentiates, and Pedagogical Practices. The group’s chair, Professor Cleoni Maria Barboza Fernandes, has promoted joint studies in this subject with other HEIs for more than one decade.

The group’s studies arose from a project that analyzed the effect of the National Council of Education Resolution (CNE/CP 2), dated February 19, 2002, to understand the possibilities, limitations, and reconfiguration of pedagogical programs. Funded by CNPq, this project analyzed the experiences developed by HEIs for the initial training of professors at two private and two public Brazilian universities between 2003 and 2006.

The three following years were devoted to analyzing the integration of theory and practice and the tensions in the field of professional training. Subsequently, the aim was to infer how the field of knowledge of professors-in-training was constituted, particularly in regard to the re-signification of notions and the conflict between training and professional fields.

Currently, two public universities and one federal institute of technology education are investigating how to analyze the configuration of their BA syllabi. The aim of this project is to understand how curricular proposals are operationalized considering professional insertion and the tensions inherent to such an insertion.

The group also participates at the Observatory of Education (Obeduc) PUCRS/Capes/DEB, which addresses the continued training of literacy teachers and the literacy processes at the early stages of Elementary School. Funded by the Capes-DEB program, the project includes professors of post- and undergraduate courses, several master’s and one doctoral student, and supervisors of six public schools from Porto Alegre Metropolitan Area (RS). The blog at http://projetoobservatoriopucrs.blogspot. reports on their activities.